NAI Issues Statement on the American Data Privacy and Protection Act
WASHINGTON, DC (February 28, 2023) – The Network Advertising Initiative today released the following statement by Vice President of Public Policy, David LeDuc on the American Data Privacy and Protection Act:
“The NAI and responsible members of the digital advertising industry applaud and share the goals of Committee leadership to enact uniform national standards for data privacy, promote competition across the internet, and support small businesses that drive American innovation.
In this effort, the NAI urges Congress to be careful to avoid unintended side-effects that actually increase the dominance of the largest internet platforms. Last year’s bipartisan, bicameral discussion around the American Data Privacy & Protection Act (ADPPA) was a substantial step forward, yet the legislation would have favored dominant platforms, while stifling digital advertising, marketing, and other innovative uses that enable smaller innovators to compete with these ‘walled gardens’ that have direct relationships with billions of users. Congress must also be mindful to not create policies that are unclear, ambiguous, or open-ended, which allow for regulators to interpret laws in ways that were not intended.
While we applaud Congress for working toward lasting, impactful privacy rules in a bipartisan manner, the effort will be most effective if it changes several key provisions from last year’s ADPPA that will unfairly harm smaller companies in the digital advertising ecosystem, and provide clear direction to companies that new state laws or new federal regulations alone cannot accomplish.”