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U.S. Department of Commerce’s General Counsel to Keynote Upcoming NAI Member Summit

We are proud to announce that Kelly R. Welsh, General Counsel of the United States Department of Commerce, will deliver the keynote address at the 2015 NAI Member Summit.

The Summit, scheduled for Thursday, May 21, 2015, in New York City, will address important issues that matter in the global digital advertising industry today, from innovation and the rapidly evolving technologies that enhance our lives to new business models that enable brands to more effectively engage with their customers across screens, devices and platforms. The theme underlying these critical discussions will be the responsible collection, use and management of consumer data, and how robust self-regulation helps ensure responsible business practices, consumer trust and the overall health of the digital ad ecosystem.

Few people are more directly involved with ongoing discussions about economic growth, innovation and commerce than General Counsel Kelly Welsh. The Department of Commerce plays a critical role in the Obama Administration’s development in policy areas concerning consumer privacy, e-commerce and technical innovation. For example, the Department’s Internet Policy Task Force is currently conducting a comprehensive review of the nexus between privacy policy and innovation in the Internet economy.

The Department of Commerce also participated in a recent, significant White House report drafted by the Big Data and Privacy Working Group. Several senior government officials, including U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, were called upon to conduct this wide-ranging review of how big data is transforming the way we live and work. Recommendations provided by the authors show how the U.S. can embrace technology while preserving fundamental values like privacy and fairness.

Recently, Mr. Welsh led a U.S. delegation to the 19th U.S.-China Legal Exchange, where senior officials from the U.S. Government discussed a range of key issues, including promoting data security.

Prior to his current role at Commerce, Mr. Welsh served as a senior executive and general counsel for several companies including Northern Trust Corporation and Ameritech. Mr. Welsh’s substantial experience in the commercial sector provides him with a broad understanding of the challenges faced by companies seeking to compete in the global marketplace, as well as the responsibilities we share as good corporate citizens and stewards of consumers’ data.

Mr. Welsh’s remarks will be especially relevant for NAI members who are known for game changing innovation. At this year’s Summit, speeches and discussions will focus on keeping pace with ever-shifting technologies while upholding the highest standards for consumer privacy and protection.

Learn more about the Summit and register to attend here.

Mr. Welsh’s full bio is available on the Commerce Department website here.

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