NAI Praises Goals of FTC Staff Report on Dark Patterns
NAI Released Report on Dark Patterns in May
WASHINGTON, DC (September 16, 2022) – The Network Advertising Initiative today released the following statement by President and CEO Leigh Freund in response to the release of the FTC staff report, Bringing Dark Patterns to Light.
“The NAI wholeheartedly agrees with the FTC’s goals in releasing its report on dark patterns, including bringing awareness to this practice and maximizing transparency in digital advertising through the implementation of effective notice and choice for consumers concerning the use of their personal data. Dark patterns stand in contrast to these shared goals by using obfuscation or lack of clarity to potentially lead consumers to make choices that they don’t intend to make. Due to this lack of clarity, the NAI has condemned the use of dark patterns.
In May, the NAI released a report, “Best Practices for User Choice and Transparency”, aimed at informing companies of what constitutes a dark pattern and how to avoid them. Consistent with our key values of transparency and choice, the NAI requires clear, conspicuous, and prominent notices on member websites regarding data collection, transfer, and use practices for Tailored Advertising and Ad Delivery and Reporting.
Responsible companies in the digital advertising ecosystem will join NAI members in avoiding dark patterns and implementing best practices to provide consumers with genuine choice when it comes to their personal data.”
Kate Cox-Nowak