NAI to Tackle Use of Precise Location Data
A blog post by Shaq Katikala, NAI’s Compliance and Technology Fellow. |
The Network Advertising Initiative’s Mobile Application Code is scheduled to go into effect in 2015. Under this code, NAI members must obtain a user’s Opt-in Consent when using Precise Location Data for Cross-App Advertising. NAI acknowledges that definitions in the mobile space are challenging, including the task of determining what is truly “precise.” We want to provide our members with concrete definitions and detailed guidance to enable their compliance with the Code; however, we also do not want to be overly prescriptive in a way that could impede innovation and get too far ahead of the marketplace.
This is important work for our industry. The use of precise location information – and the potentially sensitive nature of precise location information collected about a user over time – is a concern in Washington, DC and the issue has gained attention in the media.
That’s a tough nut to crack in this space, but we are not daunted by the challenge.
NAI will continue to work on these issues with our members and other associations. We are encouraging our members to engage in the discussion. NAI’s Codes are developed by the membership for the membership.
If you aren’t n NAI member yet, please join our efforts to develop high standards and robust compliance.