NAI sends letter to NY Governor re: the New York Health Information Privacy Act
On March 10, the NAI submitted a letter to New York Governor Hochul seeking tailored amendments to the New York Health Information Privacy Act (S929, “NYHIPA”) as the bill would have the unintended consequence of disenfranchising businesses that have chosen to establish offices in New York while preventing valuable – and often vital – processing of consumers’ health and location data. The NAI’s recommendations include amending the definition of “regulated entity” to remove “is located in New York”; exempting health care-related information that is de-identified in accordance with the requirements for de-identification pursuant to HIPAA; and consolidating enforcement authority under the Attorney General; amongst other recommendations. These recommendations seek to create a level playing field for processing health information while also ensuring valuable uses of health information that do not pose a significant risk to consumers are protected.
Read the full letter here: