NAI files FTC comments on self-regulatory accountability
For its third town hall on online privacy issues, the FTC asked for comment from the online advertising industry and other interested parties on how we could achieve accountability for best practices or standards for commercial handling of data. The NAI filed comments on that issue last week that we thought might be of interest.
Our comments focus on how the NAI’s self-regulatory program helps ensure compliance by the 40 companies who have pledged to abide by the NAI’s code for online behavioral advertising. We also review how the NAI’s compliance process serves as an effective “first line” of accountability that helps the government by allowing it to focus its enforcement efforts on emerging privacy threats and true “bad actors.” We also discuss the breadth of participation in the NAI’s compliance program by companies in the OBA marketplace and how such broad participation in self regulation promotes continued technological innovation for consumer privacy protection and the adoption of best practices. We encourage you to take a look and see what you think.
–Chuck Curran, NAI Executive Director