Precise Location Information Solution Provider Voluntary Enhanced Standards
Initially released in June 2022, the Precise Location Information Solution Provider Voluntary Enhanced Standards (“Enhanced Standards”) prohibit the use, sale, and transfer of U.S. consumer precise location information related to sensitive points of interest (POIs). They also restrict participating companies from using, selling, or sharing any U.S. consumer precise location information for law enforcement or national security purposes, except when needed to comply with a legal requirement. The NAI introduced updates to the Enhanced Standards in October 2024, to help to clarify how nationally recognized industry classification systems, such as the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), can be used to identify sensitive POIs and comply with the Enhanced Standards, and to make other clarifying changes to improve administrability of the Enhanced Standards among signatories.
These Enhanced Standards apply specifically to those NAI member companies that have voluntarily committed to follow them. These companies are required to participate in annual accountability reviews with the NAI staff to help ensure their adherence to the Enhanced Standards. If the NAI finds through an annual assessment that a signatory has not materially complied with the Enhanced Standards the NAI may remove the signatory from these Enhanced Standards. For more information about the standards, or to join the list of signatories, please contact NAI’s Chief Compliance Officer, Anthony Matyjaszewski.
The following companies have voluntarily adopted these Enhanced Standards: